In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following legal aspects of the website are reported:

Owner: EXEL FIL, S.A.
C.I.F.: A25324690
Phone: 973 532 212
Registry Data: Registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona

EXEL FIL, S.A. may collect information about users’ browsing habits on the website through cookies or log files. Cookies will not be used to collect personal information. They will only be installed if the user stays and continues browsing our website, understanding that they consent to their use and installation. Below, we provide detailed information on what “cookies” are, the types used by this website, how they can be deactivated in the browser, and how to specifically block the installation of third-party cookies.


Cookies are small text files generated by the web pages that the user visits, which contain session data that may be useful later on the website. The data allows the website to maintain your information between pages and also to analyze how you interact with the site. Cookies are safe as they can only store the information that is placed there by the browser, the information that the user has entered into the browser, or that included in the page request. They cannot execute code and cannot be used to access the user’s equipment.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating navigation and usability of web pages. Cookies cannot damage the equipment and having them enabled helps to identify and resolve errors. The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of visits to the website, the pages viewed, the time spent on the website, and the sites visited just before and after it. However, no cookie allows this to be contacted with the user’s phone number or any other personal contact method. No cookie can extract information from the user’s hard drive or steal personal information. The only way that the user’s private information becomes part of the cookie file is if the user personally gives that information to the server.

Cookies that allow a person to be identified are considered personal data. Therefore, the previously described Privacy Policy will apply to them. In this regard, the use of these cookies will require the user’s consent. This consent will be communicated based on a genuine choice, offered through an affirmative and positive decision, before the initial treatment, removable, and documented.


A script is a piece of program code used to make our website function correctly and interactively. This code is executed on our server or on your device.


Below, we provide more information to better understand the different types of cookies that may be used:

By Ownership
– Own Cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
– Third-Party Cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

By Purpose
– Technical Cookies (necessary): These are essential and strictly necessary for the correct functioning of a web portal and the use of the different options and services it offers. For example, those used for session maintenance, response time management, performance, etc.
– Preference or Personalization Cookies: These allow remembering information so that the user accesses the service with certain features that can differentiate their experience from other users, such as language, the number of results to show when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which the service is accessed, etc.
– Analytical Cookies: These allow the person responsible for them to track and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked, including the quantification of the impact of advertisements. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the websites, applications, or platforms, with the aim of making improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.
-Behavioral Advertising Cookies: These store information on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

By Duration
Session Cookies: These are designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are typically used to store information that only needs to be kept for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g., a list of purchased products) and disappear at the end of the session.
Persistent Cookies: These are cookies in which the data remains stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie manager, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Own Cookies
These are cookies sent to the user’s computer or device and managed exclusively by EXEL FIL, S.A. for the better functioning of the website. The information collected is used to improve the quality of the website, its content, and the user experience. These cookies allow recognizing the user as a recurrent visitor to the website and adapting the content to offer content that matches their preferences.

– Purpose: Analytics
– Description: This cookie is used by HubSpot to track sessions. It determines if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie.
– Duration: 30 minutes

– Purpose: Analytics
– Description: Each time HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set. It is used to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when cookies are managed, it is assumed to be a new session.
– Duration:Session (deleted when the browser is closed)

– Purpose: Analytics
– Description: The main cookie for tracking visitors by HubSpot. It contains the domain, utk (see hubspotutk cookie), initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).
– Duration: 13 months

– Purpose: Analytics
– Description: This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. It is used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data and to track site usage for the site analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors.
– Duration: 2 years

– Purpose: Analytics
– Description: This is a specific Google Analytics cookie for a particular property, used to distinguish users and sessions on the site.
– Duration: 2 years

– Purpose: Marketing
– Description: This cookie is used by Google AdSense to experiment with advertising efficiency on websites using its services.
– Duration: 3 month

– Purpose: Analytics
– Description: This cookie is used to track a visitor’s identity. This cookie is passed to HubSpot when a form is submitted and is used when deduplicating contacts.
– Duration:13 months

– Purpose: Functional
– Description: This cookie is used to store the language preferences of the user to support multilingual websites.
– Duration: 1 year

Third-Party Cookies
The website does not generate third-party cookies.

Social Media Cookies
EXEL FIL, S.A. incorporates social media plugins that allow access to them from the website. For this reason, social media cookies may be stored in the user’s browser. The owners of these social networks have their own data protection and cookie policies, and they are responsible for their own files and privacy practices. The user should refer to them to find out about these cookies and, if applicable, the processing of their personal data. For informational purposes only, the links where these privacy and/or cookie policies can be consulted are indicated below:
– Instagram: [](
– LinkedIn: [](

The owner of the website and the data controller for the cookies used here, as well as their contact details, are accessible in the Legal Notice on this page. Additionally, there may be third-party cookies other than those of the website owner, as explained below.

In the case of technical cookies, that is, those that are essential for browsing this website and receiving the service offered through it, the legal basis for their use is the agreement through which you decide to use this website and its services.
The legal basis for the use of other cookies is the user’s consent, which is requested at the time of accessing this website and can be revoked at any time. The withdrawal of such consent will not affect the possibility of browsing this website and using its services, but the data processing carried out previously will not lose its legality due to the withdrawal of consent.

The user must explicitly and actively accept the use of the aforementioned cookies, for the periods indicated above and under the conditions contained in this Cookie Policy.

The user may withdraw their consent related to this Cookie Policy at any time by deleting the cookies stored on their device using the settings and configurations of their internet browser.

Most cookies collect anonymous information, which does not allow the user’s identity to be obtained. However, some of the codes included serve to singularize or individualize the browser of the device used, potentially applying personal data protection regulations. Therefore, we inform you that the information obtained through cookies will be processed for the purposes indicated in this Cookie Policy. This information will also be processed by those companies that provide cookies for the purposes indicated in their respective privacy policies.
However, given that these codes do not allow the identification of the user, the rights of access, rectification, deletion, objection, limitation, and portability recognized in the data protection regulations will not apply, unless the user is able to provide additional information that allows their identity to be linked with the identifying codes of their cookies.
If the user believes their data protection rights have been violated, they may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( or with our Data Protection Officer at the following email:
Additionally, we inform you that some of our providers, partners, and collaborators may be located in the United States or other countries whose legislation does not offer a level of data protection equivalent to that of Europe. By consenting to the use of cookies and data sharing, you consent to the transfer of your personal data.

All internet browsers allow you to limit the behavior of a cookie or disable cookies within the browser settings or options. The steps to do this are different for each browser, and instructions can be found in the help menu of each browser.
Many browsers allow you to activate a private mode whereby cookies are always deleted after the visit. Depending on the browser, this private mode may have different names. Below is a list of the most common browsers with a link to the cookie settings and the different names for this “private mode”:
– Internet Explorer: [](
– FireFox: []
– Chrome: []
– Safari: []
– Opera: [](
– Safari for iOS (iPhone and iPad devices): []
– Chrome for Android: []
– Windows Phone: []

For more information on deleting, disabling, or blocking cookies, you can also visit: []

If cookies are disabled, we will not be able to maintain your preferences and some website functionalities may become inoperative, and we will not be able to offer you personalized services.

This website may modify this Cookie Policy, so we recommend reviewing this policy each time you access our website to stay adequately informed about our use of cookies.